Return Criteria

The cooperation partner offers you high-quality reman products.

Therefore useable cores are an importatnt precondition for the remanufacturing plants. The core must correspond to the minimum technical requirements, must be listed in the exchange assortment and identifiable.

In our selection stations we check the cores by three basic rules:

  1. The core is identifiable and listed in the exchange assortment*
  2. The core corresponds to the minimum technical requirements to ensure the usability for remanufacturing.
    The minimum technical requirements are in general 4 principal points:
    • complete (accordingly to the delivered reman unit)
    • not dismantled
    • no mechanical damage at the housing
    • no heavy corrosion
  3. You bought the corresponding reman unit in the given time. Basis for acceptance is your core balance. The balance shows the amount of cores that can still be returned.

If you would like to get more details regarding the return criteria, you can find on product group level the corrisponding PDF file for download. Please note that only the online version has validity.

The manufacturers are responsible for the manufacturer-specific criteria.

*Please ask your key account manager if the return of all products from each co-operation partner
is already implemented in your region.


Energy Systems




Brake calliper/EHB

Braking Systems

Brake calliper/EHB


Diesel Systems


Steering Pumps


Steering Pumps

Steering Gears


Steering Gears

